Thursday, 26 September 2019

Melbourne to Halifax

Thursday, September 26
Up at 4.00 after a sleepover at Anne’s and out to the airport in record time. Anne had booked a wheelchair and what a great experience that was! We were whizzed through special gates and all the formalities in no time. Might not have been quite so great for Anne in her cumbersome leg brace. She does not look comfortable.

After a very long day - 31 hours since we left Lilydale - we have finally made it to our hotel in Halifax. If it were not for Anne’s leg we almost certainly wouldn’t have made our connection in LA, but being chauffeured through all the special needs lanes really speeded things up. Susan was waiting and Anne handed over an enormous bag of marmalade and Australian goodies, while Susan gave each of us a lunch bag, as we wouldn’t have time to buy food. Still a few treats left for tomorrow.

We started the journey in an A380 and the planes got progressively smaller. Our last, from Montreal to Halifax was a Bombardier with propellers.


  1. Hurrah! Well done. Good to hear from you and congrats on the wheelchair - very sensible! Sleep well and enjoy!

  2. I genuinely laughed at the last sentence. Relief to collapse into the hotel.

  3. What a long day.Glad you arrived safely
    Enjoy your well earned proper sleep
