Saturday, 22 December 2018

Saturday, 22 December


Can’t say I had the best night’s sleep in my narrow bunk last night, especially as I had set my alarm for 5.30 Quebec time while my iPad was still on Halifax time. This resulted in a 4.30 wake-up. I didn’t realise until after I was dressed, so I just hopped back into bed in my clothes. The train was due into Quebec at 6.15 but was running late and it was closer to 7.30 when we finally pulled into Sainte Foy Station.

A taxi took us to the lovely b and b, which our host has decorated for us. There’s even a Christmas tree! We are up the stairs on the first floor. There is icy snow on the ground here but it was drizzling this morning so it might not last. No more snow forecast till Friday.

We went to a very nice cafe around the corner for a morning cuppa (Proper cups and plates, no cardboard throw- away rubbish!) and then had a stroll around the neighbourhood before doing some food shopping. Had a fairly lazy afternoon doing a load of washing and considering plans for our stay in Quebec.

For dinner I cooked Judy’s specialty, chicken with 40 cloves of garlic, in honour of our first day in French-speaking Quebec.


  1. We're getting the impression that you're just a bit more fond of Canada than of the U S of A! 🎄🎄

  2. Apartment looks great love the tree

  3. How’s your French? Parlez-vous français?
    I forgot to mention in yesterday’s comment that my gestapo boots are serving me well! They survived snowshoeing in deep snow today. Nicole got some too - we’re both very happy ... and warm!

  4. Where are you staying? It looks close to Sarah's old apartment.
